Viessmann Vitodens System Boiler Pre-Plumbing Jig (7727096) ZK043074307
The Viessmann Vitodens System Boiler Pre-Plumbing Jig is complete with valves and suitable for Viessmann Vitodens 050-W, 100-W & 200-W PlusBus gas condensing system boilers (see description below).
This pack is comprised of:
- Fixings
- Valves and fittings, heating flow and heating return
- Gas shut-off Valve with integral, thermally activated safety shut-off valve
- Pressure gauge
- Air vent valve
PlusBus System boiler pre-plumbing jig for surface mounting.
Pre-plumbing jig with valves suitable for Vitodens 050-W, 100-W & 200-W PlusBus gas condensing system boilers listed below:
Vitodens 050-W System Boilers:
Vitodens 050-W 19kW System (7968065)
Vitodens 050-W 25kW System (7968066)
Vitodens 100-W System Boilers:
Vitodens 100-W 11kW System B1HF (7723177)
Vitodens 100-W 19kW System B1HF (7970889)
Vitodens 100-W 25kW System B1HF (7970764)
Vitodens 100-W 32kW System B1HF (7970765)
Vitodens 200-W System Boilers:
Vitodens 200-W 11kW System (7956233)
Vitodens 200-W 19kW System (7956234)
Vitodens 200-W 25kW System (7956235)
Vitodens 200-W 32kW System (7956236)
Suitable for Vitodens 200-W System sub-mounting kit with mixer